Honey, honey!
Wow, I wrote once in English and the readers went up in the sky!
I really love the appreciation!

Keep the readers coming bitches.
To expand even a bit more I'm going to write in Spanish, Swedish AND English, but of course I'm going to be mixing a bit depending on how I feel.
Anywhore! Today when I was walking on Urbanstraße on my way home from my HIV-test (KIDDING) a car stopped and a gang of turks cranked down the windows and spat on me and yelled schwul! I thought for half a second; "should i throw my cellphone at the car and spit in his face?" but then I realized they were four and that they would probably have stopped the car and killed me! Haha!
To pick myself up a bit I went to my local flower shop and bought some flowers to put in my window.

They look amazeballs!
Smell you later. (I know I'll smell the flowers!)
I really love the appreciation!

Keep the readers coming bitches.
To expand even a bit more I'm going to write in Spanish, Swedish AND English, but of course I'm going to be mixing a bit depending on how I feel.
Anywhore! Today when I was walking on Urbanstraße on my way home from my HIV-test (KIDDING) a car stopped and a gang of turks cranked down the windows and spat on me and yelled schwul! I thought for half a second; "should i throw my cellphone at the car and spit in his face?" but then I realized they were four and that they would probably have stopped the car and killed me! Haha!
To pick myself up a bit I went to my local flower shop and bought some flowers to put in my window.

They look amazeballs!
Smell you later. (I know I'll smell the flowers!)
Postat av: Msd
Postat av: Anonym
men gubben, det är hemskt, ska alltid hända sånt!speciellt när man minst anar det:(
du borde ha kastat en sko...
eller en butterfly som man alltid ska ha i fickan (hahahaha på rättstavelse programmet ville datorn att jag skulle skriva "butterkaka" istället för butterfly)
kasta en sån nästa gång;)
Postat av: Roger Berlin