Purple rain
Back from Poopsy ladies!
I had such a good night.
I met so many friends out and alot of new people, plus Martin is here from Stockholm.
After hours Photo Booth:

Konrad, Steffy, Me, Martin & Chihi

Hello and good evening!
Smell you later.
I had such a good night.
I met so many friends out and alot of new people, plus Martin is here from Stockholm.
After hours Photo Booth:

Konrad, Steffy, Me, Martin & Chihi

Hello and good evening!
Smell you later.
Sound of music
Verkar inte lika stor efterfrågan idag som igår. :(
Förmodligen för att jag är på dåligt humör och mina inlägg känns krystade.
Snart börjar gäster komma och lägenheten är jäääätteren vilket är sjukt skönt!
Doesn't seem as people are as eager today as yesterday.
Might be because I'm in a shitty mood and somehow my posts feel forced.
Anywhore. We have guests coming over any minute and the apt is super clean = happy fag.
Ps. Steffy said I looked like someone from Sound of Music with this hat. I like it anyways.


The hills are alive, with the sound of music
Smell you later.
Förmodligen för att jag är på dåligt humör och mina inlägg känns krystade.
Snart börjar gäster komma och lägenheten är jäääätteren vilket är sjukt skönt!
Doesn't seem as people are as eager today as yesterday.
Might be because I'm in a shitty mood and somehow my posts feel forced.
Anywhore. We have guests coming over any minute and the apt is super clean = happy fag.
Ps. Steffy said I looked like someone from Sound of Music with this hat. I like it anyways.


The hills are alive, with the sound of music
Smell you later.
Hey little rich girl
Today I was skyping with another one of my favorite girls!
I've known this girl since I was like five years old and she is amazing!
I mean, take a look for yourselves:

Getting some to eat

Getting ready for work

Getting her freak on!
Check her out: Elena
Smell you later.
I've known this girl since I was like five years old and she is amazing!
I mean, take a look for yourselves:

Getting some to eat

Getting ready for work

Getting her freak on!
Check her out: Elena
Smell you later.
Push it

Reek you later!
Cover girl
For yall who do not know.
This woman is Maria Montazami and she is absolutly fabulous.
If you look up the word in the dicctionary you'll find a pic of her. Probably shopping.
Smell you later.
Shame on me
Like I said previously. Apologizes for my bad update yesterday.
I woke up an hour ago took a shower and now I've had my coffee and morning smoke.
It's Friday and you know what that means: Market day! So I'm going to get going quite soon.
I have to buy strawberries, some more fruits, champagne and glasses to drink it from! HAHA.
Can't have people over drinking from regular glasses. What would they think of me?! Jokes.
Early Photo Booth

Breakfest dressed in:
Tshirt: Acne
Track pants: Carni Berlin
(Steffy probably found his clothes in a rubbish bin)
I woke up an hour ago took a shower and now I've had my coffee and morning smoke.
It's Friday and you know what that means: Market day! So I'm going to get going quite soon.
I have to buy strawberries, some more fruits, champagne and glasses to drink it from! HAHA.
Can't have people over drinking from regular glasses. What would they think of me?! Jokes.
Early Photo Booth

Breakfest dressed in:
Tshirt: Acne
Track pants: Carni Berlin
(Steffy probably found his clothes in a rubbish bin)
Be my baby
Hi ladies!
I'm sorry the update yesterday was so bad, but you know. I had to make them dollars!
I was working and I have to say I was deply dissapointed when no one that I knew came by.
Especially since I was looking fiercer than fierce!
I was wearing high waisted suit trousers, a navy blue Ralph Lauren shirt (yes I know i wore it like two weeks ago) and a belt made from a chain.
I have to say I was very happy when I came to work and phil (the coolest guy in the bar) noticed that I had dyed my hair!
So it wasn't all for nothing! YAY ME!!!!!

before work: looking good, feeling great!

After work: looking shitty, smelling worse.
Time to brush my teeth and go to sleep.
I'll keep you updated tomorros loved ones!
Vi hörs imorgon!
Smell you later.
I'm sorry the update yesterday was so bad, but you know. I had to make them dollars!
I was working and I have to say I was deply dissapointed when no one that I knew came by.
Especially since I was looking fiercer than fierce!
I was wearing high waisted suit trousers, a navy blue Ralph Lauren shirt (yes I know i wore it like two weeks ago) and a belt made from a chain.
I have to say I was very happy when I came to work and phil (the coolest guy in the bar) noticed that I had dyed my hair!
So it wasn't all for nothing! YAY ME!!!!!

before work: looking good, feeling great!

After work: looking shitty, smelling worse.
Time to brush my teeth and go to sleep.
I'll keep you updated tomorros loved ones!
Vi hörs imorgon!
Smell you later.
Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle
So, as you all know Franco is very hot and sexy (no we are not a couple and no we do not have sex with eachother). And don't we all love beauty? We love when someone is pretty to look at :) I, however, have a (large) collection of pictures of Franco...that are not so flattering. So I've decided to post a few of my favourites. I call it "Your fabulous blogger Franco when not so fabulous".

This picture is taken when Franco and I still lived in Stockholm in my old apartment in Bromma. Franco didn't live there "officially" but he spent almost every night at my place during that period. Here you see him looking like a little Monkey.

I actually LOVE LOVE LOOOVE this picture!!!!! It's also taken in my old room in Bromma. Franco called me to come to bed but I was busy doing something in the kitchen (not cooking rest assured), so he put on some tights, came in to the kitchen and said: "Come to bed motherfucker"..... Franco hates this picture cause he (as you can see) used to be a little more....chubbish:) Now those excessive kilos are gone. Also you can see that Franco is a very proud homosexual human being.

OMG absolutely hideous! Taken at some crappy club in Stockholm. I love the flash-thing on the camera for this reason, it manages to capture all repulsiveness so we can laugh/feel bad/untag ourselves. (And yes that really is Franco)
But fuck his appearance....
...when his inside is so charming. :)
Oh and by the way, there is ONE picture that ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY is the most awful picture of Franco ever taken! But I'm saving that for another time :)
Smell you later.
Steffy Pop
So, as you all know Franco is very hot and sexy (no we are not a couple and no we do not have sex with eachother). And don't we all love beauty? We love when someone is pretty to look at :) I, however, have a (large) collection of pictures of Franco...that are not so flattering. So I've decided to post a few of my favourites. I call it "Your fabulous blogger Franco when not so fabulous".

This picture is taken when Franco and I still lived in Stockholm in my old apartment in Bromma. Franco didn't live there "officially" but he spent almost every night at my place during that period. Here you see him looking like a little Monkey.

I actually LOVE LOVE LOOOVE this picture!!!!! It's also taken in my old room in Bromma. Franco called me to come to bed but I was busy doing something in the kitchen (not cooking rest assured), so he put on some tights, came in to the kitchen and said: "Come to bed motherfucker"..... Franco hates this picture cause he (as you can see) used to be a little more....chubbish:) Now those excessive kilos are gone. Also you can see that Franco is a very proud homosexual human being.

OMG absolutely hideous! Taken at some crappy club in Stockholm. I love the flash-thing on the camera for this reason, it manages to capture all repulsiveness so we can laugh/feel bad/untag ourselves. (And yes that really is Franco)
But fuck his appearance....
...when his inside is so charming. :)
Oh and by the way, there is ONE picture that ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY is the most awful picture of Franco ever taken! But I'm saving that for another time :)
Smell you later.
Steffy Pop
Cry when you get older
In a couple of hours I have to go to work.
So if you're bored and in the mood for delicious coctails and exquisite food come by HBC.
I'll be working until midnight.
I'll update later with Photo Booth and outfits!

Skype with one of my best friends Madeleine.
Smell you later.
So if you're bored and in the mood for delicious coctails and exquisite food come by HBC.
I'll be working until midnight.
I'll update later with Photo Booth and outfits!

Skype with one of my best friends Madeleine.
Smell you later.

Still in my pj:s

Old picture of my mother and some misterious man. Look at her, now we know where I got my looks from ;)

Obviously I chose the purple/pink car

No comments. But yes, it is me in the yellow cap. Si soy yo en la gorra amarilla.
Smell you later.
Don't stop me now
Good morning! Buenos dias! God morgon! Guten morgen! Günaydın!
I had som much fun last night. It wasn't that busy I have to say but then again when you stand dancing in the dark it's kind of like being alone.
In a week I'm going to my not so fabulous hometown to meet my fabulous mother, my brothers and my friends!
Last time I went there was almost a year ago now so I am super exited.
If I don't have time to meet up and you're reading this, whoever you are, I AM SO SORRY!

When I was younger this was the spot where I hid and sat for my evening smokes.
Smell you later.
I had som much fun last night. It wasn't that busy I have to say but then again when you stand dancing in the dark it's kind of like being alone.
In a week I'm going to my not so fabulous hometown to meet my fabulous mother, my brothers and my friends!
Last time I went there was almost a year ago now so I am super exited.
If I don't have time to meet up and you're reading this, whoever you are, I AM SO SORRY!

When I was younger this was the spot where I hid and sat for my evening smokes.
Smell you later.
Bette Davis Eyes
Back in my bed from a fun night at NBI.
There was a live act from this guy who was super cool and then later on he Dj:ed.
I'm going to try and get some sleep now because tomorrow I have to work so I wont be able to update quite as much..

This guy was so cool.
Fabulous dreams!
Smell you later.
There was a live act from this guy who was super cool and then later on he Dj:ed.
I'm going to try and get some sleep now because tomorrow I have to work so I wont be able to update quite as much..

This guy was so cool.
Fabulous dreams!
Smell you later.
Nu är Iris här och vi dricker Sekt med jordgubbar!
Till skillnad från andra kvällar lyssnar vi faktiskt på Amy winehouse trots att titeln är en Lady Gaga-låt.

Steffy & Iris

Beautiful girls!

All my love.
Have a fabulous evening!
Smell you later.
Till skillnad från andra kvällar lyssnar vi faktiskt på Amy winehouse trots att titeln är en Lady Gaga-låt.

Steffy & Iris

Beautiful girls!

All my love.
Have a fabulous evening!
Smell you later.
Hadi bakalim
Dagens Photo Booth kommer i två delar:

Vacuum cleaning the roof

I'm not ready yet, have a cigarette
Iris, a fabulous new friend is coming by and then we'll take some more pics.
Bis gleich
Smell you später.

Vacuum cleaning the roof

I'm not ready yet, have a cigarette
Iris, a fabulous new friend is coming by and then we'll take some more pics.
Bis gleich
Smell you später.
Back to black
OK, estuve casi todo el dia teñendo los pelos, primero rubio para luego hacer lo mas azul - y quedo exactamente igual que antes!!!! &/745742385%€#"""##§!!!!!!!!
Guys! I was dying my hair all day for nothing!
I suffered oh so much and when I was finished my hair looked exactly the same!!! Motherfucker!
But I've been preparing some more in the room.
Now all that's missing is a bigger bed and curtains. and we're all set! Oh, and maybe a small rug...
By the way: they're shooting yet another movie on Manteuffelstraße. This time right outside Steffys window!

Dolls & shoes!

Soon finished!
Smell you later.
Guys! I was dying my hair all day for nothing!
I suffered oh so much and when I was finished my hair looked exactly the same!!! Motherfucker!
But I've been preparing some more in the room.
Now all that's missing is a bigger bed and curtains. and we're all set! Oh, and maybe a small rug...
By the way: they're shooting yet another movie on Manteuffelstraße. This time right outside Steffys window!

Dolls & shoes!

Soon finished!
Smell you later.
Man in a uniform
We took a break from all the dying and went to a huge furniture flea market and bought a table and three chairs for Steffys room so it looks like Café de Jack in Will & Grace and a big mirror for mine and a chest of drawers!
I'll show pics of the room and my hair when it's finished!

Happy gipsy!

Here is my hideous hair color in daylight. On the house!

The secret behind being skinny!
Smell you later.
I'll show pics of the room and my hair when it's finished!

Happy gipsy!

Here is my hideous hair color in daylight. On the house!

The secret behind being skinny!
Smell you later.
Red & Blue
I remember when I was like ten years old, or maybe eleven and I tried to dye my hair blonde, and it kind of came out like this, only it looked like shit and i was a fat reject. Haha!
Anyways. I'm in the middle of my dying procedure. Next step blue!

To all my turkish fans!
Smell you later.
I remember when I was like ten years old, or maybe eleven and I tried to dye my hair blonde, and it kind of came out like this, only it looked like shit and i was a fat reject. Haha!
Anyways. I'm in the middle of my dying procedure. Next step blue!

To all my turkish fans!
Smell you later.
Good day readers!
I just ahve to say. I love love love my new room.
For those who didn't know Steffy and I have been sharing room since september 2009, and now finally we have mooved apart.
Well not so much moved apart as only a wall separating us. Haha.
After our morning coffee we met Enna and went to Rossmann to buy more bleach, black/blue haircolor and then we popped by Headache at OranienStraße and bought Carnation Pink for Steffy.

Sorry about the shitty picture


Let's bleach this motherfucker!
Dye you later.
I just ahve to say. I love love love my new room.
For those who didn't know Steffy and I have been sharing room since september 2009, and now finally we have mooved apart.
Well not so much moved apart as only a wall separating us. Haha.
After our morning coffee we met Enna and went to Rossmann to buy more bleach, black/blue haircolor and then we popped by Headache at OranienStraße and bought Carnation Pink for Steffy.

Sorry about the shitty picture


Let's bleach this motherfucker!
Dye you later.
Mad rush
Time to sleep.
But first I just wanted to share this little video and some pictures.
I did a photoshoot for Carni Berlin by Frank Schröder some time ago and I've been so eager to share his wonderful work with everyone so now that the website is finished with the lookbook it's official!
Hace un tiempo hice un photoshoot para Carni Berlin by Frank Schröder y he estado super emocionado y ancioso por poder compartir su trabajo magnifico con todos, y ahora que su pagina web esta lista con su lookbook es oficial!

But first I just wanted to share this little video and some pictures.
I did a photoshoot for Carni Berlin by Frank Schröder some time ago and I've been so eager to share his wonderful work with everyone so now that the website is finished with the lookbook it's official!
Hace un tiempo hice un photoshoot para Carni Berlin by Frank Schröder y he estado super emocionado y ancioso por poder compartir su trabajo magnifico con todos, y ahora que su pagina web esta lista con su lookbook es oficial!

Carni from katja hentschel on Vimeo.
Smell you later.
Holding back the years
Oh my God. Enna came by earlier today and gave us a fabulous gift.
A Capri-Sonne Big Pack.
I'm not that difficult to impress, as you may see.
But both me and Steffy were happy as can be!
And we have already finished it!!!

Where did they go?

Kenza: bitch, you better watch out! du kanske har träffat Bill Kaulitz i dagsljus, men jag har träffat honom i dark rooms !
Lady Gaga: I might be a fan, but I'm also competition and my concept is better.
Bzzzzz you later.
A Capri-Sonne Big Pack.
I'm not that difficult to impress, as you may see.
But both me and Steffy were happy as can be!
And we have already finished it!!!

Where did they go?

Kenza: bitch, you better watch out! du kanske har träffat Bill Kaulitz i dagsljus, men jag har träffat honom i dark rooms !
Lady Gaga: I might be a fan, but I'm also competition and my concept is better.
Bzzzzz you later.